May 04, 2011


Here are some prints from the Photo 400 film class I am taking this semester. Its good to get back to film, I've missed it dearly ever since the transition out of my highschool darkroom and into college.
  Everything seemed so fast paced, too unwieldy at the time if you will, for film. I kept trying though, a purchase of a Yashica Electro MC was a temporary solution. An awesome little rangefinder that fit easily in my jacket pocket. Yet I didnt use it as much as I thought I would. My digital side overtook me during the first 2 semesters of college and kind of left the dedication and love of film behind.
  Its good to be back, though. I find myself walking the streets more. Looking at compositions more closely, analyzing in a way that I had forgotten. It seems like film unlocked something within me, or rather this new class and teacher. I find myself being able to connect with my surroundings more, taking more chances and enjoying them more than I thought possible. Digital to me means try until you're right, you have an (practically) infinite amount of chances on that electric card. Film comes across as more try it, give it your best, and see if you're right. If you're wrong, you're wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts. And the next time you carry that old contraption around with you, you better hope you learned from your mistakes.
  Of course, this new found joy of photography could be attributed to the coming of spring! Finally after several months in the dark and cold are we getting relief and I plan to enjoy every moment that sun peers out the clouds.