July 28, 2011


My god what a beautiful place Lake Norris is. The clean air matches so well with the clean water (reportedly 96% pure) and reinvigorates you in a way that only pure things can. Its a release, to be able to go out into the wilderness and after this first month of almost nonstop work and fitness I could appreciate it at it's fullest. The climbing in Obed was no different, pure. The granite and sandstone was slightly damp from recent rains but we more than enjoyed the area with its towering cliffs, powerful rivers and deep long ravines. I'm grateful to the friends and family of friends who housed us for the week, it was more than just a time to remember; it was a landmark in my mind.

July 26, 2011


It hurts the soul, you know, when you come back to something you love only to realize you didnt finish things you had the purest intention of completing. I Havent even been able to post the images from the rest of my photo class last semester and here I am a month later just getting around to it. So allow me to play a little catch up.

These are from my friend's most recent scarification, dust is abundant, I realize.